2017 APA Stress Survey is Out: How to Curb Your Stress Now!
"America is at it's lowest point this year..." Stress is a household word that is personal to all of us. With the American Psychological...

3 Steps Women Must Take to Win the War on Respect
"Is it just me, or is the world going crazy?" I was talking with a group of women and this was the icebreaking question. As we chatted,...

The Day After 9/11: Where did it Lead You?
5 Part Series: The Meaning Within Tragedy We are beginning a 5-part series today that includes a reflective story about meaningfulness. ...

Mindfulness Matters: Tips to Practice Being Mindful at Work
Do you go through the workday mindlessly checking things off your never-ending to do list, then wonder at the end of the day: have I...

3 Ways to Win the War on Email Communication
Are you drowning in your emails? I want to share with you 3 tips to win the war on email communication. Watch the video below to hear...

Are Your Values "Sore"? 3 Ways Your Values are like your toes
It's officially summer and that means lots of activity for you. Are your values getting "sore"? Tune into this 2 minute video where I...

Just Say No to "Perfect": Tips on How to Overcome Perfectionism
Raise your hand if you struggle with Perfectionism. Every leadership workshop, bootcamp, and team building I have ever delivered has at...

Check Out These FREE Assessments!
Hello there! I hope you are having an incredible week so far. I confess! I've been pounding you pretty hard with our upcoming Women's...

Emotional Intelligence: Do you have it?
Are you aware of how you're showing up at the workplace? You will probably laugh and call someone's name out when you see these common...

What Dropping Kids off at School Can Tell Us About Emotional Intelligence
In today’s blog, I am speaking directly to you working parents who drive your kids to school, and fight the car rider lines. What...